АртикулОбзор1. Bf109D-1 'Legion Condor' Fighter Group Commander 88 Pilot Hauptmann Walter Grabmann (final score 7), late 1938, Spain. RLM 62, RLM 65. 2. Me 109D 1/J 88, Spain, August 1938. Pilot, Oblt. (Lieutenant) Otto Bertram. This aircraft was shot down on October 4, 1938. RLM 63, RLM 65. 3. Bf-109V-3 Obit. Hannes Traufloft, J/88, Sivilla/ Tablada airfield, December 1936. One of the first Bf-109s to go to Spain was the Bf-109V-3 flown by Trautloft. Finish was factory standard light grey with Spanish markings applied and This eventually became the emblem of JG 54. The spinner is brown and white with a green tip. 4. Bf-109 B-1 2/J 88, Spain, spring 1937. Pilot, Unteroffizier Norbert Flegel. RLM 77, RLM 65. 5. Bf-109B-2 of 2/J 88, Spain, July 1937. Pilot, Unteroffizer (Sergeant) Wilhelm Staege. RLM 63, RLM 65. 6. Bf-109D 1/J 88, Spain, June 1938. Pilot Lieutenant Wolfgang Schellmann. RLM 62, RLM 65. 7. Bf-109B-2 from 1/J 88, Spain, 1938 Pilot, Hauptmann (Captain) Harro Harder, RLM 62/63 RLM65.3 710 ₽ 0 ₽ В наличии