Дата добавления
MikroMir 72-001 Москалев "ЛТ" (САМ-23) Советский экспериментальный штурмовик 1/72
Aircraft kits (injection)2 330 ₽MikroMir 72-002 Германский ракетный истребитель-перехватчик Me 263 V1 1/72
Aircraft kits (injection)2 330 ₽MikroMir 72-004 Советский легкий пассажирский самолет NIAI-1 "Fanera-2"
Aircraft kits (injection)3 600 ₽MikroMir 72-019 SNCASO SO.9050 "Trident II" французский истребитель-перехватчик 1/72
Aircraft kits (injection)5 000 ₽MikroMir 72-024 Mitsubishi J4M Senden with Sakae thermojet engine 1/72
Aircraft kits (injection)5 400 ₽MikroMir 72-028-2 Hunting Provost T.1 limited edition Rhodesian Air Force x 3 options and Irish Air Corps 1/72
(the art work on the box you receive may be incorrect but the decals inside will be correct)3 670 ₽MikroMir 72-028-3 Hunting Provost T.1 limited edition variant 3 with decals for Burma, Royal Malaysian Air Force, Muscat and Oman Air Force, Iraqi Air Force and Sudan Air Force 1/72
(the art work on the box you receive may be incorrect but the decals inside will be correct)3 670 ₽