This simple two part resin upgrade set replaces the kit intake manifolds for the following kits:Roland D.IVaPfalz D.IIIPfalz D.IIIaAlbatros D.V and D.VaPfalz D.XIIFokker D.VIIThe parts are designed specifically for the above listed WNW kits in 1/32nd scale, but will work with Roden and others with a small amount of modification. The manifold has been detailed to include the asbestos cord insulation wrapped around the intake pipes. The sheet metal shielding has also been modelled and the mounting clamps are petitely reproduced. Castellated couplings, and additional details round out this simple upgrade. Once removed from its casting block, it is a drop fit for the original kit part. A quick and easy upgrade that will add a lot of detail to the already beautiful engine in these amazing kits.